Personal project, conceived with the primary goal of expanding my knowledge and facing new challenges in development. Currently, the project is in its early stages and has already become a valuable tool for its initial customers. Among the basic functionalities of SmartyVenta are:
- Generation of electronic documents (SII), such as Electronic Invoice, Electronic Receipt, Credit Note, Electronic Guide, Folio Management, and commercial approval/rejection processes, as well as Invoice Assignment (Factoring).
- Capability to manage multiple clients and locations, with user management and role assignment.
- Purchase and Sales Order functionality, allowing users to create and efficiently manage commercial transactions.
- Product and inventory management, maintaining records of all transactions, including inventory movements, inventory adjustments, and stock ins and outs for comprehensive inventory control.
- Price management, with various applicable rules, such as by business partner/group of business partners, authorized discounts, validity, price limits, standard price, and price lists.
- Various payment methods to facilitate commercial transactions.
- Ease of integration with other tools and systems.
- Generation of multiple reports and dashboards for real-time monitoring of operations and results.
In the next stages, SmartyVenta aims to further expand its functionalities. Work is in progress to implement e-commerce tools, marketplaces, and social media integration, with the goal of providing users with a comprehensive and versatile solution for managing their commercial operations. SmartyVenta is a continuously evolving project that seeks to provide effective and efficient solutions to the management and marketing needs of its customers. With a focus on expanding its capabilities, the project strives to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and market demands.
Next.js 13
Payment method
Integration SII
Micro services
Postgres / Mongodb / Redis